IU is dropping the “Celebrity” MV tomorrow ahead of her fifth album launch - TrueID

IU is dropping the “Celebrity” MV tomorrow ahead of her fifth album launch

TrueID ClickJanuary 26, 2021


Photo credit: 1theK YouTube Channel 

Sound the alarms because tomorrow IU is launching some top-tier content. Her new MV features a bop track that’s part of her much-anticipated fifth album release. And this is the first time that we’re going to hear the whole song.


Photo credit: 1theK YouTube Channel 

The teaser trailer features Lee Ji-Eun doing her best awra moves in different outfits from a pastel-hued flowy dress to a sleek leather ensemble. Now something that clues us into the concept of the MV is the fact that IU is looking glum in most of the scenes. So perhaps it’s a bittersweet tale of the celebrity experience? We’ll find out soon enough!


Photo credit: upifyre Twitter Page

Uaenas are excitedly counting down the hours until the release of the MV with Pinoy fans getting tags like #Celebrity_D1 and #IU5isComing trending like crazy online. Oh, and that photo above? That’s a video billboard posted on a local building, seen here


Photo credit: 1theK YouTube Channel 

Based on the teaser trailer, the video is going to be all kinds of aesthetic. There’s a lot of cuteness that still remains high-concept because, well, this is IU we are talking about and she puts a lot of thought into her work. The MV premieres tomorrow January 27 at 6:00PM Korean time, which is an hour ahead of the Philippines (stay tuned at 5:00pm). 


In the meantime, get your regular dose of IU by checking out the “Celebrity” MV teaser below:

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