Pasaway! Jio Jalalon suspended for breaking PBA health protocols - TrueID

Pasaway! Jio Jalalon suspended for breaking PBA health protocols

TrueID ClickJuly 14, 2021


Photo credit: PBA Gallery/official website

By Kriel Ibarrola

The 2021 PBA season hasn’t even officially started yet, and Jio Jalalon already got himself suspended for five games. Yikes.

What did he do this time? Well, same old, same old. The 28-year-old floor general once again got playing in ligang labas—which is extremely frowned upon by the league.

By doing so, he also violated the PBA’s newly-implemented health and safety protocols for COVID-19.

Per the players’ signed contracts, they are prohibited from participating or engaging in any other leagues (commercial or amateur). Technically, he just played in one exhibition game, but hindi pa rin pwede.

For sure, alam naman ni Jio yun, eh. This is actually the second time he got penalized for the same infraction. Sheesh.

Obviously, PBA players have been resisting to scratch that itch to play since they’ve been out of commission for quite some time now. Kapit lang, guys, konti na lang maglalaro na kayo ulit. The new season starts on July 16!

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Still, that does not excuse Jalalon from breaking the rule. After all, they are professionals and should act accordingly. Doing so not only puts the league in a bad light, but also endangers the players. Paano kapag na-injure ka don?

Apart from the five-day suspension, the Magnolia Pambansang Manok Hotshots guard will also have to shell out $75,000 as penalty. Dang, that unsanctioned game cost him a lot.

To be fair, things haven’t been smooth sailing for the former Arellano University standout as of late. His personal life came to light a few months back following infidelity allegations made by his wife. That was messy.

Now, Jalalon has found himself in another controversy. Nagdagdag pa sya.

It’s gotten so bad that several reports are claiming that Jalalon might be on the trading block soon because of his recent indiscretions.

Anyway, Jalalon better get his act together soon. He should take a page off of his new teammate Calvin Abueva, who somewhat shook off his bad boy persona upon his return last year.

So, what do you think about Jio Jalalon’s latest mix-up? Should Magnolia give him another chance and keep him around?

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