The Super Flower Blood Moon is happening, Mars and Earth react - TrueID

The Super Flower Blood Moon is happening, Mars and Earth react

May 26, 2021


Photo credit: NASA/website, NASA Mars/Twitter, slrmnwsdm/Twitter

It’s time to bring out those long-range cameras and manifest some wishes because the Super Flower Blood Moon is here! The lunar eclipse appears on May 26 from 4:47pm until 9:49pm, Philippine time.

READ: Blood Moon seen on Wednesday—PAG-ASA


Photo credit: NASA/website

NASA Earth explains it best by saying that our planet is sandwiched between the sun and the moon. 

So what makes it so super and bloody? 

This phenomenon takes place when the moon is near the closest point to Earth in its orbit. 

When this happens, the moon looks much larger than usual.



Photo credit: NASA/website/Twitter

The moon takes on a reddish hue because of the sunlight filtering through the earth’s atmosphere. The light hits the lunar surface, making it glow red. Doesn’t it look a bit like our neighboring planet Mars?


Photo credit: NASA Mars/Twitter

Galit ka, Mars? At least bidang-bida ka when the NASA Perseverance rover landed on your surface a few months ago.

READ: Hello, Mars! NASA’s Perseverance rover lands on the red planet 

If you’re a magical girl anime fan then the Super Flower Blood Moon sounds quite familiar. 


Photo credit: slrmnwsdm/Twitter

Yes, this definitely sounds like the kind of sparkly attack that Sailor Moon would unleash upon the villain of the week. 

If you want to do some lunar viewing then check out the tips below care of NASA.

Were you able to catch the Super Flower Blood Moon?

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